Bachelors Of Computer Science 2020 - Major Project
To view a compilation of all of my current PHP projects, please click here
Please see the explanations and working examples of some of my PHP projects below:
Calculates monthly payment on a loan using given data from a user form and this formula Monthly Payment= loan * rate / (1-(1/(1+rate)PaymentsNumber))
For a working example, please click here
A dynamic website the deals with car sales.
For a working example, please click here
A site that contains hints on php arrays and sorting using user-defined comparison functions
For a working example, please click here
A page for "students" to login on and perform various tasks, including:
enrol in classes
search for departments
search for students in a course
search for professors in a school
see the number of students in each course
see the number of professors in each school
search for students who have a specific professor
see the number of students enrolled in classes
(without working SQL)
For a working example, please click here
A variation on the task in Folder Five using session variables and hidden text boxes (without working SQL)
For a working example, please click here
Task 1: Create a shopping cart program
For a working example, please click here
Task 2:
Part A: Create a page in which when the user enters a string anything except digits are eliminated from it and the remaining part is converted to a Roman number
Part B: A site where a "student" uploads a file for a quiz and it is marked automatically and returns either a pass or a fail
For a working example, please click Part A or Part B
Task 3:
Part A: The user can see the name of html files, sorted by size
Part B: Dynamic Progress Bars, Simulating Graphical Charts and Paginations of Results on a Web Page
Part C: Searches for books in books.xml inside of a user defined price range
Part D: AJAX Live Search with an AJAX Database so the user can write the name of a product and the program helps them correctly and efficiently
For a working example, please click Part A or Part B or Part C or Part D
Task 4:
Part A: (i) Obtaining Multidimensional arrays of form data, (ii) accepting uploaded files, (iii) generating select statements, and requiring certain fields to be filled out are implemented in web pages frequently
Part B: Create a library website that allows users to see what items they borrowed, the due dates, search for existing items in the library and hold any item (without working SQL)
For a working example, please click Part A or Part B
Task 5:
Part A: Allows the user to see all files within a directory tree
Part B: Emails any customer that has delayed paying their debt by the due date (without working mailer - due to server load)
Part C: Takes an image, distorts the image and then displays it
For a working example, please click Part A or Part B or Part C
Task 6:
Part A: A recursive function for finding the smallest value in a multidimensional array
Part B: Can solve the Tower of Hanoi problem for any number of disks
Part C: A descending self-sorting binary tree
For a working example, please click Part A or Part B or Part C
Using the divide and conquer strategy, accept a number (m) less than or equal to six and create a board of size 2^m x 2^m, also accepts first position square.
Then solves the board using a tiles shaped like:
Completes in black first, and then in random colours
For a working example, please click here
Event Management program
This system was created for a group assignment during my time at university. The assignment was the creation of an event management system that would be used by university
employees to create and manage events, as well as by students to purchase tickets or reserve spots at these events.
To view the program on GitHub, please click here